Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spurned lover stabs girl before public in Bengal

KANKINARA (North 24 Parganas): A spurned lover repeatedly stabbed a girl at Kankinara, North 24-Parganas, in full public view when she resisted his advances on Saturday. The girl, a student of Class XII, was rushed to hospital with serious injuries. Police said they were looking for the 22-year-old assailant.

The incident happened around 6.30am near Kankinara Bazar when the 17-year-old girl went to fetch water from a roadside tap. She was waiting in queue when Chhottu allegedly began teasing her. The harassed girl warned him and asked him to behave. But he pressed on asking her to marry him. The hoodlum's brashness had left others in the queue stunned.

Helpless, the girl asked Chhottu to leave her alone to which he whipped out a knife and stabbed her repeatedly on her shoulder, hands and back. The girl's cries for help went unheeded. Chottu then fled. Locals rushed her to the nearby government hospital, where she received nine stitches. Doctors described her condition as critical. She was to appear for a school examination on Saturday. A police complaint has been lodged. Neighbours later said Chhottu lives two houses away from the girl and had allegedly been teasing her for two weeks. The girl's father, Om Prakash Shaw, is a schoolteacher. The girl's mother, Shankari, said her husband was out of town.

"We did not know that the youngster used to tease my daughter till she told me on Friday. He tried to kill my daughter," said Shankari. She had gone to Chhottu's house on Friday and asked his family to ensure he didn't tease her daughter. Chhottu retaliated and tried to kill the girl. The girl later said that the youth harassed her whenever she stepped out. "I had warned him, but he did not listen. He continued teasing me. Today, when I went to fetch water, he again came. I strongly protested and shouted. Suddenly, before I realized anything, he attacked me with a knife," she said in her statement.

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