Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Next Web: Structured Programming?

The nature of the next generation web remains an intense debate amongst the tech world geeks, as to the former version fad web 2.0 continuum. And there is a varied controversy as to the actual programming elements to be involved in building the next web. The evolving aspect of the web, albeit, pointing to semantics and personalization, calls to bear on the need for more automatic availability of information tailored to individual needs.

The next generation web will be characterized by structured information: this critical concept, increasingly forms the basic mode of presentation of information on the web today. The key drivers of structured information are basically APIs, as it makes it easy to fetch information. And most APIs emit information as XML, which conforms to structured information.

Google's foray into structured programming in its purported new programming language, Dart, billed for launch at the GOTO developers conference in October, is a pointer to the trend.

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